angular.js系列四:transclude与Shadow DOM、promise应用

Tags: js

一: transclude 与 Shadow DOM

这里为什么独立讲讲transclude?它不是个标准的英文单词,从这个ngTransclude api里看它也不复杂,而且似乎也没什么与众不同的地方。是的,其实不必特意讲,只因为是它跟shadow dom有类似的地方,这个似乎证明angular的确是一个面向未来浏览器的框架(AngularJS is banking on the future of JS and trying to improve and extend HTML and JS by talking directly with the standards. In the future, most of the AngularJS concepts will be part of the browser but you can already use them with AngularJS if like me you can’t wait.)。


angular.module('transclude', [])
 .directive('pane', function(){
	return {
	  restrict: 'E',
	  transclude: true,
	  scope: { title:'@' },
	  template: '<div style="border: 1px solid black;">' +
				  '<div style="background-color: gray"></div>' +
				  '<div ng-transclude></div>' +

在这个pane组件的Directive Definition Object上transclude: true规定了把<pane>自定义元素内的html添加进<div ng-transclude></div>这个标签内。

Shadow DOM是怎么做的?如下(需要设置:chrome://flags – 启用实验性JavaScript (Enable Experimental JavaScript);开发者工具,勾选Show Shadow DOM):

<div id="host">
    <p><span>this is light dom</span></p>
    var root = document.querySelector('#host').webkitCreateShadowRoot();
    root.innerHTML =
        '<div style="border: 1px solid black;">' +
            '<div style="background-color: gray">this is shadow dom : title</div>' +
            '<div id="content">' +
                '<content></content>' +
            '</div>' +
        'hello shadow dom</div>';

看起来就这么简单!不过shadow dom还有更细节的内容,像如何应用样式,与新的template元素标记结合等,感兴趣的自行查找学习。详细的参考WD-components-intro


有关angular的哪些特性,是未来浏览器将会支持的,这里的评论中来自Patrick Aljord 的两段话阐明了这些:
1): MDV
Here’s how AngularJS does it:


It makes writing dynamic code with HTML declarative again. And if you have to loop through an array, you just do:

  <li ng-repeat="element in array">element</li>

This syntax looks exactly like the new MDV standard that you can check here mdv. This looks much cleaner than using Ember’s mustache and again, when you learn AngularJS you actually learn the future of JS.

2): reusable components

Another great concept of AngularJS are directives to have reusable components. This allows you to write very clean code and reuse your widgets easily. This is not AngularJS specific, this is the future of the web and it’s a standard being implemented through web components Introduction to Web Components, even mozilla is working on it and have released a shim a cross-browser web components library.

二: asynchronous requests and promise





  1. 边请求数据,边初始化页面
  2. 数据请求完毕,再初始化页面
  3. 多个数据源全部请求完毕(依序或无序),才能初始化页面



An optional map of dependencies which should be injected into the controller. If any of these dependencies are promises, they will be resolved and converted to a value before the controller is instantiated and the $routeChangeSuccess event is fired.


resolve: {
  'MyServiceData': function (MyService) {
      return MyService.promise;


上边说到的第三种情形:多个数据源,有序或无序请求,完成之后实例化constroller。这里还是提供demo说明之:无序请求有序请求 看源码会发现,无序请求只需在route配置中的resolve上多配置个参数即可;但有序请求稍微复杂点:

MyService.promise.then(function () {
    //do init stuff that depends on MyService (if any)
    console.log("Resolved: " + MyService.doStuff());
    return promise2;





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