
Tags: js


  1. 主要按 “组件类型” 分:
	├── app
	│   ├── app.js
	│   ├── controllers
	│   │   ├── page1
	│   │   │   ├── FirstCtrl.js
	│   │   └── page2
	│   │       └── ThirdCtrl.js
	│   ├── directives
	│   │   ├── page1
	│   │   │   └── directive1.js
	│   │   └── page2
	│   │       ├── directive2.js
	│   ├── filters
	│   │   ├── page1
	│   └── services
	│       ├── CommonService.js
	├── lib
	└── test
  1. 主要按 “业务模块” 分:
	├── app
	│   ├── app.js
	│   ├── common
	│   │   ├── controllers
	│   │   ├── directives
	│   │   ├── filters
	│   │   └── services
	│   ├── page1
	│   │   ├── controllers
	│   │   │   ├── FirstCtrl.js
	│   │   ├── directives
	│   │   │   └── directive1.js
	│   │   ├── filters
	│   │   │   ├── filter1.js
	│   │   └── services
	│   │       ├── service1.js
	│   └── page2
	│       ├── controllers
	│       │   └── ThirdCtrl.js
	│       ├── directives
	│       │   ├── directive2.js
	│       ├── filters
	│       │   └── filter3.js
	│       └── services
	│           └── service3.js
	├── lib
	└── test

这两种划分方法都可以,个人觉得如果业务简单,按 组件类型 划分好点;业务复杂,按 业务模块 划分会更好点。


由于digest loop越多,性能问题越大,所以:

  • Watch only the most vital variables
  • Make computations in $watch as simple as possible. Making heavy and slow computations in a single $watch will slow down the whole application
  • Make your filters as light as possible. They are called often during the $digest loop so creating a slow filter will slow down your app.


  • For session-level cache you can use $cacheFactory. This should be used to cache results from requests or heavy computations.
  • Use ng-bind or ng-cloak instead of simple {{ }} to prevent flashing content.
  • Avoid writing complex code in the template.
  • Controller and directives emit an event right before they are destroyed. 注册$scope.$on('$destroy', ...)来销毁 插件或事件监听


  • 使用 $timeout$window$document$http 代替 setTimeoutwindowdocument$.ajax,使得测试更容易
  • 使用promises ($q) 代替 callbacks,使得代码看起来更优雅
  • 使用controllers 代替 ngInit
  • directive之间能直接通过directive-controllers来通信
  • Use resolve to resolve dependencies before the view is shown.
  • 命名 directive、filters 使用 lowerCamelCase 方式
  • 开发reusable components时创建一个isolated scope
  • 注意ng-style怎么合适使用


  • 不要在controllers中操作dom,使用directive代替
  • 命名以Ctrl结尾,首字母大写。例如:HomePageCtrl
  • 不要定义为全局变量,Use array syntax for controller definitions
  • 确保controller内容尽可能精简,把常用函数抽象进一个service里
  • 不同controller通信用 ‘函数调用’ 方式 (子向父通信) 或者用$emit, $broadcast, $on等方法
  • 格式化数据使用filter

更多参考 angularjs-style-guidewiki



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